Friday, July 27, 2012

XWolfHunter Is Not Dead.

This is true.  I yet live.
The reason I haven't made an update in - oh, what is it, two weeks?  One week?  A year?  Who knows?  Anyway, the reason is because I haven't really made much progress, due to a number of factors, one of which is definitely procrastination.  Sorry.

So, in the end, I did a great amount of good since last update, but also some bad as well.

I'll go with the good first, "best for last" be damned.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Mini Update 1.2

Edit:  How do you all like my new comments system?  I like it.  It's pretty awesome.  You can go to to make an account for the system, or if you want to add it to your blog.  Be warned:  If you use your Google Account, it will display your name, not your email/username.  Just so you know.


Nothing to report today except the fact that I'm still alive and that I'm working on the arcade-thing (You know, I really should come up with an actual name for it . . . got any suggestions?). Right now I'm working on getting a nice lives system in there - it'll provide a welcome change. It's going to be very simple: Start out with three lives. Get hit, you die, and you restart on the level you were on. If you hit zero lives, you restart at level 1 and get three lives. There'll be little red floating and rotating cubes that grant you another life (With a limit of five lives). I'm going to set up the life-box placement with some thought (So your lives will be sustainable if you only die once per level up to level five, then you can only die once every two levels, etc., with the die limit spreading out further and further until you inevitably will die unless you're me or cool), so don't worry that I'll just be putting them wherever.

In the future, I want to add some simple A* AI, but my coding skill is not at that average level yet (Any reference materials you like? Send links my way). Also in the future, I want to add a tutorial level just because.

You know what? Here's a little list of what I want to do:

  • Custom textures with kewl things on them

  • Juiciness (Courtesy of Davian Black of Big Bad Wofl)

  • Some cool sounds, though they're probably more long-term than the other stuff.

  • Lastly, I want to get a playable version out to anyone who happens across it in the next lifetime or so. Maybe a couple a y'all will take the chance that I'm not secretly a coding expert who wants to virus-ify everything.

See you in approximately 4-5 days with a few updates!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Mini Update 1.1

It's only numbered 1.1 so it'll look more professional.  But don't tell anyone that.

Here's the mini-update, which just shows the finished turrets:

Do they look to easy too kill to you?

Yeah, they definitely are.  I'll remedy that.

See you next update!