Thursday, June 28, 2012

Prototype level complete!

The completed prototype level!  Note that when viewing from the y-axis, like I am now, the shattered blocks don't appear to fall, but they really do.

Hello, three people who may or may not ever read this!  :)  This week I got a lot done, but when you’re only working with cubes and code, you can’t not.  It wasn't even a week. 

Here’s a basic list of what happened:

  •     I added a light.  It needed to happen.
  •     I’ve got the basic move-where-I-tell-you-to AI down pat on my little blue spheres.
  •     The red box dies if he hits a blue character (No death notifications yet.  All that happens is he turns into a bunch of red cubes and falls to infinity.  I made it so you can still move the camera around after he dies, though!)
  •     The blue guys can die now.  Also, the little cubes that act as barriers will break into pieces if shot enough times.
  •     Fixed that bug where the player-wall collisions were really funky (Thanks to drakfyre for that solution.  Link to his tutorials here - not that he’ll get much traffic from this site).
  •     Got a simple level up and running.  It’s not going to make it very far, but it’s simple enough to test things on.

Here are some GIFs that display the more visible aspects of what I’ve done:

 This is the semi-finished first level

 First experience with breaking walls

Kill-and-death (Notice that the camera is still controllable after death.  Not sure if it's going to stay that way, but I just wanted to try to see if I could do it)

See you all next time!  I'm not sure where to go from here, so I'm going to ask /r/gamedev where they think I should take this.  Post in the comments or look for me there (XWolfHunter).


  1. It looks like you have a great handle on a lot of important game dev concepts. Particles / collisions / movement all look good. This is excellent work for three weeks in. Now you just need some nice art :)

  2. Haha, I started that two days before I made the post. Been learning hard for three weeks, though.

    Yeah, I have no idea how to texture models. I'm using Blender, and have no idea how to do UV mapping with that program. I'll have to look into it.

    Thanks for commenting. Never thought anyone would. :)
