Monday, February 25, 2013

Scratch that (again)

So.  Here I am again, deciding to make a post after all about my final change of plans.  I have indeed realized that Unity, while certainly a very powerful and extremely useful engine, is too forgiving to the new user.  It allowed me to struggle through that "game" that I made over the summer and actually slap it together with spit and duct tape into a semi-coherent thing that manages to stick together long enough to play.

*Ahem*  Anyway, I am not using Unity anymore.  I have purchased a 700+-page-long book that starts from ground zero and goes through all the basic programming stuff up to making multi-player games work across teh internetz.  It will arrive shortly.  Once it gets here, I will be reading it for quite a while, and then I will begin something that you could actually call a game.  My not-currently-finalized plans for this game are kind of a side-scrolling pseudo-RPG thing, like a first stab at Pop!.  Oh, and, on a side note, if anybody can think of anything I can name that game other than Pop!, I will be eternally grateful.  I'll eventually make a different name for it, but by golly that's got to change.

Anyway.  Disregard the last post.  It's not happening.  No mas Unity para mi!  Es muy bien!  (Can't do upside-down exclamation points right now, lo siento).

So, I might get to it in about a month, or it might be longer.  I'm not rushing anything, and I'm not making any promises.

That's all!

Edit:  Oh, I almost forgot!  I'm putting up the bug-free version of LABYRINTH BLASTER now, and I'm also confused as to why I didn't do it before.

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