Hello, all! My next project will not be, as previously stated, some kind of Minecraft thing (though I think that will be my third project), but instead something different. I will try to also incorporate some form of storyline as well. This project is to help me learn more visual and superfluous aspects of game creation - you know, models, animation, and UV mapping.
The basic idea is . . . get this . . . an island of minigames. Yep. An island. With minigames. Some will take you to other separate things, some will be part of the island itself. Etc. Mazes and stuff. You know. I just want to learn to make visual stuff, so I'll try to have fun with it.
Ahhhhh . . . just like old times, eh, blog? A single image of something not even remotely playable yet. Beautiful.
Just so you guys know, I plan to finish this project, do that last Minecraft-y one, and then move on to Pop. By that time I hope to be in college. Majoring in Game Programming. That's what I wish to accomplish.
If you decide to read through the posts, please forgive my lack of knowledge in how much work it is to make games; what I've detailed there would take forever for a single guy to make, and it's very ambitious. I'll definitely have to dull that down a fair amount. But that's okay! I wrote all that stuff before I even knew what game development really is. And I still don't really . . . ah, well. Hopefully one day I shall.
Anyway, I'll see you all later with another development post!